Reward items inside of a Chronicles Holocron will no longer appear in a junk dealer's list.If your Chronicles Reserve has something in it, you will see a reminder message when you log in.Fix issue where the Offers and Stockroom tab return all items regardless of what is selected in the Object Type Filter tree.If an item type node under the Misc->Factory Crate node is selected, the attribute list will be automatically populated with the search attributes for the selected item type.

If the Misc->Factory Crate node is selected, you must first specify the Type search attribute to indicate the type of item you are looking for, and based on the specified item type, additional search attributes for that item type will be added to the attribute list.

To participate in the Death Troopers content, players will first need to complete the " Something is Obviously Wrong" quest line.Players that have not started the " Something is Obviously Wrong" quests can kick off the content by using the publish gift named " Jabba's Comlink".Players that have not already completed the Update 13 " Something is Obviously Wrong" quests will need to finish up to have access to the Death Troopers quest line.Players that have already completed the Update 13 " Something is Obviously Wrong" quests will be contacted and given a quest upon login.While rumors have circulated that restricted areas are being used to contain a biological threat, no official report has been confirmed or denied by High Command. Unauthorized travel by citizenry to these restricted areas may result in fines, arrest or both. Citizens that cannot avoid travel to Dathomir should be aware that certain locations are now considered restricted areas. Imperial High Command has issued a travel warning to notify citizens to avoid travel to the planet if possible. After a mysterious turn of events the Empire has mustered an enormous military presence in a remote location on Dathomir.